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The fork manager is composed of SQL scripts to create a Postgres extension that provides an API that simplifies reverting app data when a fork switch occurs on the Hive blockchain.


It is possible to install the fork manager in two forms - as a regular Postgres extension or as a simple set of tables and functions, but installation as an extension is recommended.

Install fork manager as a postgres extension

  1. Create a build directory somewhere and make it the current working directory.
  2. cmake <path to root of the project psql_tools>
  3. make extension.hive_fork_manager
  4. make install

To start using the extension in a new database, create a database and execute the psql command to install the extension:

  1. createdb -O hive my_db_name
  2. psql -d my_db_name -c "CREATE EXTENSION hive_fork_manager CASCADE;" The CASCADE option is needed to automatically install extensions that the hive_fork_manager depends on.

Alternatively, you can manually execute the SQL scripts to directly install the fork manager

The required ordering of the sql scripts is included in the cmake file src/hive_fork_manager/CMakeLists.txt. Execute each script one-by-one with psql as in this example: psql -d my_db_name -a -f context_rewind/data_schema.sql


All elements of the fork manager are placed in a schema called 'hive'.

The fork manager is written using an "events source" architecture style. This means that during live sync, hived only schedules new events (by writing block data to the database), and then HAF apps process them at their own pace (by using fork manager API queries to get alerted whenever hived has modified the block data).

The fork manager is designed to work with transaction isolation level READ COMMITTED, which is the default for PostgreSQL.

The fork manager enables multiple Hive apps to use a single block database and process blocks completely independently of each other (apps do not need to place locks on the shared blockchain data tables).

Hive block data is stored in two separated, but similar tables: irreversible and reversible blocks. Whenever a block becomes irreversible, hived uses the hive_fork_manager api to signal that the associated data should be moved from the reversible tables to the irreversible tables.

A HAF app groups its tables into a named "context". A context name can only be composed of alphanumerical characters and underscores. An app's context holds information about its processed events, blocks, and the fork which is now being processed by the app. These pieces of information are enough to automatically create views which combine irreversible and reversible block data seamlessly for queries by the app. The auto-constructed view names use the following template: 'hive.{context_name}_{blocks|transactions|multi_signatures|operations}_view'.

Overview of the fork manager and its interactions with hived and HAF apps

alt text

Hived block-processing algorithm

alt text

Requirements for an HAF app algorithm using the fork manager API

alt text

Only roles ( users ) which inherits from 'hive_applications_group' have access to 'The App API', and only these roles allow apps to work with 'hive_fork_manager'

Any HAF app must first create a context, then create its tables which inherit from hive.<context_name>. The context is owned and can be accessed only by the role which created it.

A HAF app calls hive.app_next_block to get the next block number to process. If NULL was returned, the app must immediatly call hive.app_next_block again. Note: the app will automatically be blocked when it calls hive.app_next_block if there are no blocks to process.

When a range of block numbers is returned by app_next_block, the app may edit its own tables and use the appropriate snapshot of the blocks data by querying the 'hive.{context_name}_{ blocks | transactions | operations | transactions_multisig }' views. These view present a data snapshot for the first block in the returned block range. If the number of blocks in the returned range is large, then it may be more efficient for the app to do a "massive sync" instead of syncing block-by-block.

To perform a massive sync, an app should detach the context, execute its sync algorithm using the block data, then reattach the context. This will eliminate the performance overhead associated with the triggers installed by the fork manager that monitor changes to the app's tables.

It is possible that an app's operation will be stopped for some reason during a massive sync (i.e. when its context is detached). To deal with this potential scenario, when an app is restarted it should check if its context is attached using hive.app_context_is_attached, and if not then it needs to attach again using hive.app_context_attach and then 'COMMIT' a pending transaction.

To attach the context, the app has to know the block number of the last processed block. An app in massive sync (detached context mode) should call app_set_current_block_num after processing a batch of blocks (just before commiting the new app state) to periodically update the current block number to allow proper context re-attachment. Note: this function should only be called during massive sync and to prevent it from being called during normal sync it will throw an exception if called with an attached context.

Note: an app's commit timing is important to preserve app consistentcy after an interruption

In order to make sure apps maintain a consistent state when interrupted and restarted, commits should be done after changing all state associated with processing a block (or a batch of blocks during massive sync).

The current_block_number is automatically incremented by app_get_next_block when a context is attached, so DO NOT call commit after making this call until the app has finished processing the block (otherwise, if the app is interrupted during normal sync, it will think it has finished processing an unfinished block).

Similarly, when an app is operating with a detached context (in massive sync), do not make a commit call until all blocks in a batch are fully processed AND the current_block_number has been updated using hive.app_set_current_block_num.

Using a group of contexts

In certain situations, it becomes necessary to ensure that multiple contexts are synchronized and point to the same block. This synchronization of contexts allows for consistent behavior across different applications. To achieve this, there are specific functions available, such as 'hive.app_next_block', that operate on an array of contexts and move them synchronously.

When using synchronized contexts, it is of utmost importance to ensure that all the contexts within a group are consistently in the same state. This means that the contexts shall always traverse blocks together within the same group of contexts passed to the functions.

Using HAF built-in roles

Based on extensive experience with a diverse range of applications, it is recommended to configure Postgres roles in accordance with the guidelines depicted in the image below. This illustration provides a comprehensive overview of how to effectively leverage HAF built-in roles for both application-specific and administrative purposes. alt text

Impersonate roles

Usually the applications should have two roles, one which owns the context-creates it and modify application data, and second which is used only to read application outcome tables. Such setup separates private role which executes an application algorithm from a role which is used by the public interface to have access to the application results.

Certain applications utilize a group of contexts which combines contexts from different applications. The owners roles of grouped applications must be explicitly granted membership in the primary application owner role. This guarantees that the main application owner role can edit group of contexts with hfm api (see 'hive.can_impersonate' ).

Non-forking apps

It is expected that some apps will only want to process blocks after they become irreversible.

For example, some apps perform irreversible external operations such as a transfer of funds on a blockchain which could result in a financial loss to the app's operator or users in the case of a blockchain fork. One of the most common examples of such an app would be be a transaction scanner used by an exchange to detect cryptocurrency deposits.

Other apps require very high performance, and don't want to incur the extra performance overhead associated with maintaining the data required to rollback blocks in the case of a fork. In such case, it may make sense to trade off the responsiveness of presenting the most recent blockchain data in order to create an app that can respond to api queries faster and support more users.

HAF distinguish which appl will only traverse irreversible block data. This means that calls to hive.app_next_block will return only the range of irreversible blocks which are not already processed or NULL (blocks that are not yet marked as irreversible will be excluded). Similarly, the set of views for an irreversible context only deliver a snapshot of irreversible data up to the block already processed by the app. The user needs to decide if an application is non-forking, he can do this during creation af a context with 'hive.app_create_context' and passing an argument '_is_forking' = FALSE.

It is possible to change an already created context from non-forking to forking and vice versa with methods app_context_set_non_forking(context_name) and hive.app_context_set_forking(context_name)

⚠️ Switching from forking to non-forking appl will delete all its reversible data

In summary, a non-forking HAF appl is coded in much the same way as a forking app (making it relatively easy to change the app's code to operate in either of these two modes), but a non-forking app only served up information about irreversible blocks.

Sharing tables with other HAF apps

If an app wants to expose some of its tables for reading by other apps, then it only needs to grant the SELECT privilege on such tables to hive_applications_group.

GRANT SELECT ON my_table TO hive_applications_group;

⚠️ An app which uses tables exposed by another app must be written taking into account that apps work at different speeds, and they may contain data computed for different forks and block ranges.

Important notice about irreversible data

⚠️ Although reversible and irreversible block tables are directly visible to apps, these tables should not be queried directly. It is expected that the structure of the underlying tables may change in the future, but the structure of a context's views will likely stay constant. This means that any app which ignores this warning and directly reads the blockchain tables instead of the views may need to be refactored in the future to use newer versions of the fork manager.

Examples of the app

Two app examples written in Python3 were prapared. Both programs use sqlalchemy package as a database engine. The apps are very simple: both of them collect the number of transaction per day and prepare histograms in a table named trx_histogram.

One is a non-forking app: it only operates on blocks after they become irreversible. The second app works on the most recent blocks in the blockchain and supports rolling back its data whenever there is a blockchain fork.These example apps are here:

The forking and non-forking app are very similar, the only difference is in the lines which create a 'trx_histogram' table: the table in the forking app inherits fromhive.trx_histogram to register it into the context 'trx_histogram'. Here is a diff of the two apps:

--- hive_non_fork_app.py
+++ hive_fork_app.py
@@ -6 +6 @@
@@ -11 +11,2 @@
-    """
+    INHERITS( hive.{} )
+    """.format( APPLICATION_CONTEXT )
@@ -51 +52 @@
-        db_connection.execute( SQL_CREATE_HISTOGRAM_TABLE )
+        db_connection.execute( SQL_CREATE_AND_REGISTER_HISTOGRAM_TABLE )

To switch from non-forking app to a forking one, all the app's tables have to be registered in contexts using the hive.app_register_table method.

apps without their own tables

It turns out that some apps may not need to collect data into their own specific tables, because tables of the Hive Fork Manager contain all the data the need. One example of such an app is the HAF Account History (aka hafah) app. Such apps do not need to create contexts and implement "the HAF app algorithm". Instead such apps can just read the data for the current HEAD BLOCK using the views:

  • hive.account_operations_view
  • hive.accounts_view
  • hive.blocks_view
  • hive.transactions_view
  • hive.operations_view
  • hive.transactions_multisig_view
  • hive.applied_hardforks_view

It is possible to get only irreversible block data

The apps without their own tables may be interested only in data from blocks that have become irreversible. Here are views which return only irreversible data:

  • hive.irreversible_account_operations_view
  • hive.irreversible_accounts_view
  • hive.irreversible_blocks_view
  • hive.irreversible_transactions_view
  • hive.irreversible_operations_view
  • hive.irreversible_transactions_multisig_view
  • hive.irreversible_applied_hardforks_view

Shared lib

There are some functions that can be done efficiently only with low-level code such as C/C++. Moreover, sometimes there is a need to reuse some code already working in hived, and execute it inside Hive Fork Manager or a HAF app. One example is parsing an operation's JSON to get the list of accounts impacted by the operation. Such functionality was already implemented in hived and there is no sense to implement this code again in a new language. The folder 'shared_lib' contains an implementation of a shared library which is loaded and used by Hive Fork Manger extension. The apps may call functions from this library with the SQL interface prepared by the extension.

State Providers Library

There are examples of HAF apps that generated generic data such that their tables could be used by a wide range of other HAF apps. The tables present in a more convenient way some part of the blockchain state included in the original block data. Some of the common apps are embedded inside hive_fork_manager in the form of state providers: tables definitions and the code which fill these tables with data.

Basic concept

A state provider is a SQL code that contains tables definitions and methods which fill those tables. An app may import a state provider with the SQL command hive.app_state_provider_import( _state_name, _context ).

During import, new tables are created and registered in the app's context. Next, during block processing, the app needs to call hive.app_state_provider_import( range_of_blocks ) to update the tables created by imported states providers.

The import of 'state providers' must be done by an app before any call of its massive sync or hive.app_next_block (in other words, the state providers must be imported before any blocks are processed). Repeating an import more than once does nothing.

A state provider structure

Each state provider is a SQL file placed in the state_providers folder and defines these functions:

  • hive.start_provider_<provider_name>( context ) The function gets app context name and creates tables to hold the state. The tables name have format hive.<context_name>_<base table_name> and returns list of created tables names.

  • hive.update_state_provider_<provider_name>( first_block, last_block, context ) The function updates all 'state providers' tables registered in the context.

  • hive.drop_state_provider_<provider_name>( _context hive.context_name ) The function drops all tables created by the state provider for a given context.

How to add a new state provider

The template for creating a new state provider is here: state_providers/state_provider.template. You may copy the template, change the file extension to .sql, add it to the CMakeLists.txt, and change '<provider_name>' in the new file to a new state provider name. After this, the enum hive.state_providers has to be extended with the new provider name.

State providers and forks

When the context is a non-forking one, then the state provider's tables are not registered to be rewound during a fork servicing. When the context is a forking one, the state provider's tables are registered with the forking mechanism and will be rewound during forks, just like the app's tables. When the context is changing from a non-forking to a forking one, then the provider's tables are registered to be rewound in the case of a fork.

State providers API

Apps can import, update and drop state providers with these functions:

  • hive.app_state_provider_import( state_provider, _context )
  • hive.app_state_providers_update( _first_block, _last_block, _context )
  • hive.app_state_provider_drop( state_provider, _context )

Why we introduced States Providers instead of delivering regular apps?

The problem is that HAF apps work with different speeds, so they work on data snapshots from different blockchain times. If we delivered state providers as regular apps, then all user apps won't be synchronized with the delivered apps, and the user's apps might read data from prepared apps which is not synced to their own blockchain time.

Why we introduced The States Providers instead of extending the set of reversible/irreversible tables?

There is one big difference between reversible data and other tables - reversible data are only inserted or removed ( whole rows are inserted or removed ) , other tables can also be updated ( fields in particular row may be updated ). Whole reversible/irreversible mechanics is based on assumption that the rows are only inserted or removed when a fork is serviced.


Each app which imports any 'state provider' gets the tables exclusively for its PostgreSQL Role. A lot of data may be redundant in the case when a few apps use the same state provider because each of them has its own private instance of its tables. It may look redundant for some cases, but indeed there is no other method to guarantee consistency between the provider's state and other app's tables. Even small differences between head blocks of two apps may result in large differences between contents of their provider's tables

Important implementation details


IRREVERSIBLE BLOCKS is a set of database tables for blocks which the blockchain considers irreversible - they will never change (i.e. they can no longer be reverted by a fork switch). These tables are defined in src/hive_fork_manager/irreversible_blocks.sql. Hived may push massivly block data into irreversible tables and the data may be temporarily inconsistant.

Hived pushes MASSIVE_SYNC_EVENT and NEW_IRREVERSIBLE_EVENT to mark the block number for which data is consistent so that it can be read directly from the irreversible tables.

REVERSIBLE BLOCKS is a set of database tables for blocks which could still be reverted by a fork switch. These tables are defined in src/hive_fork_manager/reversible_blocks.sql

Each app should work on a snapshot of block information, which is a combination of reversible and irreversible information based on the current status of the app's context (status being the state of the app's last processed block and the associated fork for that block).

Because apps may work at different speeds, the fork manager has to hold reversible blocks information for every block and fork not already processed by any of the apps. This requires an efficient data structure. Fortunately the solution is quite simple - it is enough to add a fork id to the block data inserted by hived to the irreversible blocks table. The fork manager manages forks ids - information about each fork is stored in the hive.fork table. When 'hived' pushes a new block with a call to hive.push_block, the fork manager adds information about the current fork to a new reversible data row. Reversible data tables are presented in a generalised form in the example below:

block_num fork id data
1 1 DATA_11
2 1 DATA_21
3 1 DATA_31
2 2 DATA_22
3 2 DATA_32
4 2 DATA_42
4 3 DATA_43

If an app is working on fork=2 and block_num=3 (this information is held by hive.contexts ), then its snapshot of data for the example above is:

block_num fork id data
1 1 DATA_11
2 2 DATA_22
3 2 DATA_32

This means that the snaphot of data for an app with context app_context can be obtained by filtering blocks and forks with a relativly simple SQL query like:

      DISTINCT ON (block_num) block_num
    , fork_id
    , data
FROM data_reversible
JOIN hive.contexts hc ON fork_id <= hc.fork_id AND block_num <= hc.current_block_num
WHERE hc.name = 'app_context'
ORDER BY block_num DESC, fork_id DESC

Remark: The fork_id is not a part of the real blockchain data, it is an artifact created by the fork manager, and may differ across instances of an app running in different HAF databases.


The events queue is a table defined in src/hive_fork_manager/events_queue.sql. Each row in the table represents an event. Each event is defined with its id, type and BIGINT block_num value. The block_num value has different meaning for different types of events:

event type block_num meaning
BACK_FROM_FORK fork id of corresponding entry in hive.fork
NEW_BLOCK number of the new block
NEW_IRREVERSIBLE number of the latest irreversible block
MASSIVE_SYNC the highest number of blocks pushed massively by hived node

Events are ordered by the id, thus events that happen earlier have lower ids than subsequent events. The events queue is traversed by an app when it calls hive.app_next_block - the lowest event from all events with an id higher than the event_id stored in the app's context is chosen and processed, and at the end the context's 'event_id' is updated.

Optimizaton of forks

There are situations when an app doesn't have to traverse the events queue and process all the events. When there are BACK_FROM_FORK events ahead of a context's event_id, then the app can ignore all events before the fork with lower block_num (because all such blocks have been reverted by a fork switch). Here is a diagram to show this situation:

The optimization above is implemented in src/hive_fork_manager/app_api_impl.sql in function hive.squash_events (which is automatically called by the hive.app_next_block function).

Optimizations of MASSIVE_SYNC_EVENTs

MASSIVE_SYNC_EVENTs are squashed - it means that the context is moved to the newest MASSIVE_SYNC_EVENT. MASSIVE_SYNC_EVENTS ensures that older blocks are irreversible, so there is no sense to process lowest events.

Removing obsolete events

Once a block becomes irreversible, events related to that block which have been processed by all contexts (apps) are no longer needed by apps. These events are automatcially removed from the events queue by the function hive.set_irreversible (this function is periodically called by hived when the last irreversible block number changes).

Using hive_fork_manager_update_script_generator.sh to upgrade existing HAF database

When using HAF database, you may want to update already installed extension instead of dropping it and installing new database and filling it with data again. Using hive_fork_manager_update_script_generator.sh script located in /build/extensions/hive_fork_manager.

To use this script you have to rebuild the project and then run hive_fork_manager_update_script_generator.sh. If you did not build your PostgreSQL server and HAF database with recommended methods (setup scripts) you may need to use flags --haf-admin-account=NAME and --haf-db-name=NAME to change default values (haf_admin, haf_block_log).


Context_rewind is the part of the fork manager which is responsible for registering app tables and the saving/rewinding operation on the tables to handle fork switching.

Apps and hived shall not directly use any function from the src/hive_fork_manager/context_rewind directory.

An app must register any of its tables which are dependant on changes to hive blocks. Any table is automatically registered during its creation into context only when it inherits from hive.<context_name> table. Base table hive.<context_name> is always created when a context is created.

CREATE TABLE table1( id INTEGER ) INHERITS( hive.context )

Data from 'hive.<context_name>' is used by the fork manager to rewind operations. Column 'hive_rowid' is used by the system to distinguish between edited rows. During table registration, a set of triggers are enabled on the table that record any changes.

Moreover a new table is created - a shadow table whose structure is a copy of the registered table + columns for operation registered tables. A shadow table is the place where triggers record the changes to the associated app table. A shadow table is created in the 'hive' schema and its name is created using the rule below:


It is possible to rewind all operations stored in shadow tables with hive.context_back_from_fork

Because the triggers add some significant overhead when modifying app tables, in some situations it may be necessary to temporarally disable the triggers for the sake of better performance. To do this there are functions:

  • hive.detach_table to remove triggers
  • 'hive.attach_table' to add triggers.

When triggers are disabled, no support for fork management is enabled for a table, so the app should solve the situation. In most cases this should only be done when irreversible blocks being processed, in which case no forks can happen there.

It is quite possible that apps which use the fork system will want to change the structure of its registered tables. This is possible only when coresponding shadow tables are empty. This means, that before an upgrade to the schema, the app must be in a state in which there is no pending fork. The system will block ( raise an exception ) 'ALTER TABLE' command if the corresponding shadow table for the table which is being altered is not empty.

When a table is edited, its shadow table is automatically adapted to the new structure (the old shadow table is dropped and a new one is created with the new structure).

Database structure

Fork manager

alt text

Reversible blocks

Tables for reversible blocks are copies of irreveersible + columns for fork_id



alt text


The set of scripts implements an API for the apps:

Public - for the user


The functions which are used by hived

hive.back_from_fork( _block_num_before_fork )

Schedules back from fork

Schema verification
hive.push_block( _block, transactions[], signatures[], operations[] )

Push new block with its transactions, their operations and signatures

hive.set_irreversible( _block_num )

Marks a block as irreversible


After finishing a massive push of blocks, hived will invoke this method to schedule a MASSIVE_SYNC event. The parameter _block_num is the last massively synced block - head or irreversible blocks.


There are some indexes created by the extension on irreversible block data. Those indexes may slow down massive dumps of blocks data by hived. This function drops and saves description of indexes and FK constraints created on irreversible blocks table. Hived will use this function before starting massive sync of blocks.


It restores indexes and FK constarint dropped and saved by the function above.

hive.connect( _git_sha, _block_num )

The Hive node (hived) calls this function each time it starts synchronization with the database. This function clear irreversible data from inconsistent blocks (blocks which are not fully dumped during previous connection) and saves information about the connection occurence into table hived_connections.

  • _git_sha - is a GIT version of hived code
  • _block_num - head block number for which the hived is synchronized


Sets 'dirty' flag, what marks irreversible data as inconsistent.


Unsets 'dirty' flag, what marks irreversible data as consistent.


Reads the 'dirty' flag.


The functions which should be used by a HAF app

hive.app_create_context( _name, _is_forking )

Creates a new context. Context name can contain only characters from the set: a-zA-Z0-9_. Parameter '_is_forking' sets contexts as forking or non-forking.

hive.app_remove_context( _name hive.context_name )

Remove the context and unregister all its tables.

hive.app_next_block( _context_name )
hive.app_next_block( _array_of_contexts )

Returns hive.blocks_range -range of blocks numbers to process (or NULL if no blocks to process). It is the most important function for any app. To ensure correct work of the fork rewind mechanism, any app must process returned blocks and modify their tables according to blockchain state on time where the returned block is a head block.

If NULL is returned, then there is no block to process, or events which did not deliver blocks were processed.

Returns range of blocks to process. If first and last blocks in the range are the same, then an app must process the one returned block. If more than one block is returned (i.e. last_block -first_block > 0), it means that hived executed a massive sync (or that the app has been started later than HAF server started receiving blocks) and a large number of irreversible blocks have been added to the HAF database that the app has not yet processed. The app can opt to process these blocks massively without fork control (detach of context is required first) or it can still process them one by one (process the first_block in the range and then again call hive.app_next_block to get the next block, but such blocks will be processed slower than processing them in massive sync mode because of the overhead from the triggers on the app's tables that support block rewinding).

hive.app_next_block cannot be used when a context is detached - in such case an exception is thrown.

hive.app_context_detach( context_name )
hive.app_context_detach( array_of_contexts )

Detaches triggers attached to tables registered in a given context or contexts. It allows to do a massive sync of irreversible blocks without overhead from triggers. The context's views are recreated to return only all irreversible data.

hive.appproc_context_attach( context_name )
hive.appproc_context_attach( array_of_contexts )

Stored procedures. Enables triggers attached to registered tables in a given context. The context cuurent_block_num cannot be greater than the latest irreversible block. The context's views are recreated to return both reversible and irreversible data limited to the context's current block.

hive.app_context_attach( context_name )
hive.app_context_attach( array_of_contexts )

⚠️ These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in future releases. They perform the same tasks as their procedural equivalents presented above, which should be used instead. Committing pending transaction with 'COMMIT' after attaching context is mandatory, otherwise intermittent problems with finding a first event to process will occur - race conditions between hived process and an application being moving to the next event after attach.

hive.app_context_is_attached( context_name )

Returns TRUE when a given context is attached. It will throw an exception when there is no a context with the given context_name. Committing pending transaction with 'COMMIT' after attaching context is mandatory, otherwise intermittent problems with finding a first event to process will occur - race conditions between hived process and an application being moving to the next event after attach.

hive.app_context_are_attached( array_of_contexts )

Equivalent of 'hive.app_context_is_attached' for a group of contexts. When an array of contexts consists attached and detached contexts, then an exception is raised.

hive.app_set_current_block_num( _context_name )
hive.app_set_current_block_num( _array_of_contexts )

Apps should call this to set the last block of a batch of blocks processed during a massive sync. Function will throw if it is call on an attached context (when app is processing blocks one-at-a-time).

hive.app_get_current_block_num( _context_name )
hive.app_get_current_block_num( _array_of_contexts )

Returns last block processed by the app.

hive.app_context_exists( context_name )

Returns TRUE when a context with the given name exists.

hive.app_register_table( table_name, context_name );

Register a not-already-registered table with name 'table_name' into context. It enables creation of app which automatically supports forks.

hive.app_get_irreversible_block( context_name DEFAULT '' )

Returns last irreversible block number, or 0 if there is no irreversible block. When the default is passed (hive.app_get_irreversible_block() ), then it returns the current top irreversible block num known by the hive fork manager.

hive.app_is_forking( context_name )

Returns boolean information if a given context is forking ( returns TRUE ) or non-forking ( returns FALSE )

hive.app_is_forking( _array_of_contexts )

Equivalent of 'hive.app_is_forking' for a group of contexts. When an array of contexts consists forking and non-forking contexts, then an exception is raised.

hive.app_context_set_non_forking( _context_name )

Sets given context as non-forking - means process only irreversible data. All the context's reversible data will be deleted. The context will back to last processed irreversible block.

hive.app_contexts_set_non_forking( _array_of_contexts )

Equivalent of 'hive.app_contexts_set_non_forking' for a group of contexts.

hive.app_context_set_forking( _context_name )

Sets given context as forking - means process also reversible data and rewind them during back form abandoned fork.

hive.app_context_set_forking( _array_of_contexts )

Equivalent of 'hive.app_context_set_forking' for a group of contexts.

hive.app_state_provider_import( state_provider, context )

Imports state provider into contexts - the state provider tables are created and registered in HIVE.STATE_PROVIDERS_REGISTERED table.

hive.app_state_providers_update( _first_block, _last_block, _context )

All state provider registerd by the contexts are updated.

hive.hive.app_state_provider_drop( state_provider, context )

State provider become unregistered from contexts, and its tables are dropped.

hive.app_state_provider_drop_all( context )

All state providers become unregistered from contexts,and their tables are dropped.


Context rewind functions shall not be used by hived and apps.

hive.context_detach( context_name )

Detaches triggers atatched to register tables in a given context

hive.context_attach( context_name, block_num )

Enables triggers attached to register tables in a given context and set current context block num

hive.context_create( context_name, forkid, irreversible_block )

Creates the context with controll block number on which the registered tables are working. The 'fork_id' and 'irreversible_block' are used only by app api.

hive.context_create( context_name )

Removes the context: removes triggers, remove hive_row id columns from registered tables, unregister all tables, removes base table hive.

hive.context_next_block( context_name )

Moves a context to the next available block

hive.context_back_from_fork( context_name, block_num )

Rewind only tables registered in given context to given block_num


Registers an user table in the fork system, is used by the trigger for CREATE TABLE


Creates shadow table for given table

hive.attach_table( schema, table )

Enables triggers atatched to a register table.

hive.detach_table( schema, table )

Disables triggers attached to a register table. It is useful for processing irreversible block when forks are impossible, so we don't want to have trigger overhead for each modification of a table.


hive.get_impacted_accounts( operation_body )

Returns list of accounts ( their names ) impacted by the operation.

hive.calculate_schema_hash( schema_name )

Calculates hash for group of tables, used by hive.create_database_hash.

hive.create_database_hash( schema_name )

Used in update procedure, creates database hash using table schema.

Known Problems

  1. FOREIGN KEY constraints must be DEFERRABLE, otherwise we cannot guarantee success rewinding changes - the process may temporarily violate tables constraints. More informations about DEFERRABLE constraint can be found in PosgreSQL documentation for CREATE TABLE and SET CONSTRAINTS
  2. HAF apps usually are divided into two separate processes: an indexer which processes the block data written to the HAF database and generates auxiliary table data for the app, and an API server which responds to remote queries by formatting and returning the data generated by the indexer. In the case of a micro-fork, a race condition during a rewind of data is possible between the indexer and the API server. For example, the API server may make some action when some 'Account' exists, but the 'Account' is being removing by the micro-fork rewind code: race conditions In a such case as at the picture above, the server response for a query will fail. For most apps, there is an assumption that we can accept this situation, because the next query will be serviced properly. If this behavior isn't acceptable for an app, then it can make an exclusive lock on registered tables for a time of back from micro-fork, but the consequences would be dramatic, including the possibility of that a buggy HAF app might lock up the the whole HAF server.

Other architectures which were abandoned

C++-based extension for fork management

There was a hope that an extension written in C/C++ might be more performant and that access to a lower level of PostgreSQL could give some benefits.

The most important problem faced by the fork manager is to rewind reversible changes in a way which does not violate constraints on the app tables. The C++-based extension was implemented by encoding changed blobs of rows from the registered tables into byte arrays and saving them in a separated table in the order in which the changes occurred (actually a stack of changed rows was implemented). This extension was implemented and then abandoned with the commit.

There were a few reasons to retreat from the C/C++-based fork manager extension:

  1. The extension could cause a crash not only in the client connection but also in the main PostgreSQL server process (this occurred multiple times during development).
  2. The documentation for PostgreSQL C interface is terse, and for some details PostgresSQL source code needed to be analyzed.
  3. There was a doubt about portability of such an extension between different versions of PostgreSQL, indeed the extension was working with PostgreSQL 10, but did not work with PostgreSQL 13.
  4. It turned out that it was impossible to execute some actions only with the C iterface and executing some SQL queries from the C++ code was required.
  5. It turned out that the C/C++ extension was slower than the current SQL implementation in every test. The report is here
  6. The C/C++ version was more complicated than the SQL version. The implementation of rewinding reversible operations in C++ took more than 3 weeks, whereas implementation of similar functionality with SQL took a week.

SQL extension with one stack of changes ( no shadow tables )

It turned out that it is impossible to implement with SQL a similar stack of changed rows as was implemented in the C++ extension.

There is no method to take and save a blob of a table's row in a generic form, so it is not possible to have a common table for all changes from different tables.

SQL extension without events queue

When the SQL method of rewinding reversible tables was implemented (this part is now named context_rewind), there was a noble idea to use it for rewinding both the apps tables and the tables filled directly by hived. This would make for a relatively simple implementation of the whole extension - hived would have its tables registered in its context and in case of a fork switch, the block tables would be reverted.

Unfortunately, during analysis, it was found that this kind of architecture will require the use of locks on hived's tables to solve a race condition between reading of hived tables by the apps and modifications to those tables by hived.

Introducing locking would make hived's operation dependent on the quality of the apps operating on the data - how fast they will commit transactions to release their locks on the data being written by hived. Moreover, the apps become dependant on each other, because one app may block hived and other apps would then not get new live blocks during the time that app blocked hived from adding new blocks.