
626 lines
18 KiB

const fs = require('fs-extra');
const Loki = require('lokijs');
const SHA256 = require('crypto-js/sha256');
const enchex = require('crypto-js/enc-hex');
const validator = require('validator');
const lfsa = require('../libs/loki-fs-structured-adapter');
const { IPC } = require('../libs/IPC');
const BC_PLUGIN_NAME = require('./Blockchain.constants').PLUGIN_NAME;
const BC_PLUGIN_ACTIONS = require('./Blockchain.constants').PLUGIN_ACTIONS;
const { PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_ACTIONS } = require('./Database.constants');
const PLUGIN_PATH = require.resolve(__filename);
const actions = {};
const ipc = new IPC(PLUGIN_NAME);
let database = null;
let chain = null;
let saving = false;
let databaseHash = '';
// load the database from the filesystem
async function init(conf, callback) {
const {
} = conf;
const databaseFilePath = dataDirectory + databaseFileName;
// init the database
database = new Loki(databaseFilePath, {
adapter: new lfsa(), // eslint-disable-line new-cap
autosave: autosaveInterval > 0,
// check if the app has already be run
if (fs.pathExistsSync(databaseFilePath)) {
// load the database from the filesystem to the RAM
database.loadDatabase({}, (errorDb) => {
if (errorDb) {
// if the chain or the contracts collection doesn't exist we return an error
chain = database.getCollection('chain');
const contracts = database.getCollection('contracts');
if (chain === null || contracts === null) {
callback('The database is missing either the chain or the contracts table');
} else {
// create the data directory if necessary and empty it if files exists
// init the main tables
chain = database.addCollection('chain', { indices: ['blockNumber'], disableMeta: true });
database.addCollection('transactions', { unique: ['txid'], disableMeta: true });
database.addCollection('contracts', { indices: ['name'], disableMeta: true });
async function generateGenesisBlock(conf, callback) {
const {
} = conf;
// check if genesis block hasn't been generated already
const genBlock = actions.getBlockInfo(0);
if (!genBlock) {
// insert the genesis block
const res = await ipc.send(
payload: {
// initialize the block production tools
// BlockProduction.initialize(database, genesisSteemBlock);
// save the blockchain as well as the database on the filesystem = (callback) => {
saving = true;
// save the database from the RAM to the filesystem
database.saveDatabase((err) => {
saving = false;
if (err) {
// save the blockchain as well as the database on the filesystem
function stop(callback) {;
function addTransactions(block) {
const transactionsTable = database.getCollection('transactions');
const { transactions } = block;
const nbTransactions = transactions.length;
for (let index = 0; index < nbTransactions; index += 1) {
const transaction = transactions[index];
const transactionToSave = {
txid: transaction.transactionId,
blockNumber: block.blockNumber,
function updateTableHash(contract, table, record) {
const contracts = database.getCollection('contracts');
const contractInDb = contracts.findOne({ name: contract });
if (contractInDb && contractInDb.tables[table] !== undefined) {
const recordHash = SHA256(JSON.stringify(record)).toString(enchex);
const tableHash = contractInDb.tables[table].hash;
contractInDb.tables[table].hash = SHA256(tableHash + recordHash).toString(enchex);
databaseHash = SHA256(databaseHash + contractInDb.tables[table].hash).toString(enchex);
actions.initDatabaseHash = (previousDatabaseHash) => {
databaseHash = previousDatabaseHash;
actions.getDatabaseHash = () => databaseHash;
actions.getTransactionInfo = (txid) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const transactionsTable = database.getCollection('transactions');
const transaction = transactionsTable.findOne({ txid });
if (transaction) {
const { index, blockNumber } = transaction;
const block = actions.getBlockInfo(blockNumber);
if (block) {
return Object.assign({}, { blockNumber }, block.transactions[index]);
return null;
actions.addBlock = (block) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
actions.getLatestBlockInfo = () => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { maxId } = chain;
return chain.get(maxId);
actions.getBlockInfo = blockNumber => chain.findOne({ blockNumber });
* Get the information of a contract (owner, source code, etc...)
* @param {String} contract name of the contract
* @returns {Object} returns the contract info if it exists, null otherwise
actions.findContract = (payload) => {
const { name } = payload;
if (name && typeof name === 'string') {
const contracts = database.getCollection('contracts');
const contractInDb = contracts.findOne({ name });
if (contractInDb) {
return contractInDb;
return null;
* add a smart contract to the database
* @param {String} name name of the contract
* @param {String} owner owner of the contract
* @param {String} code code of the contract
* @param {String} tables tables linked to the contract
actions.addContract = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const {
} = payload;
if (name && typeof name === 'string'
&& owner && typeof owner === 'string'
&& code && typeof code === 'string'
&& tables && typeof tables === 'object') {
const contracts = database.getCollection('contracts');
* update a smart contract in the database
* @param {String} name name of the contract
* @param {String} owner owner of the contract
* @param {String} code code of the contract
* @param {String} tables tables linked to the contract
actions.updateContract = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const {
} = payload;
if (name && typeof name === 'string'
&& owner && typeof owner === 'string'
&& code && typeof code === 'string'
&& tables && typeof tables === 'object') {
const contracts = database.getCollection('contracts');
if (contracts.findOne({ name, owner }) !== null) {
* Add a table to the database
* @param {String} contractName name of the contract
* @param {String} tableName name of the table
* @param {Array} indexes array of string containing the name of the indexes to create
actions.createTable = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { contractName, tableName, indexes } = payload;
// check that the params are correct
// each element of the indexes array have to be a string if defined
if (validator.isAlphanumeric(tableName)
&& Array.isArray(indexes)
&& (indexes.length === 0
|| (indexes.length > 0 && indexes.every(el => typeof el === 'string' && validator.isAlphanumeric(el))))) {
const finalTableName = `${contractName}_${tableName}`;
// get the table from the database
const table = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
if (table === null) {
// if it doesn't exist, create it (with the binary indexes)
database.addCollection(finalTableName, { indices: indexes, disableMeta: true });
return true;
return false;
* retrieve records from the table of a contract
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {JSON} query query to perform on the table
* @param {Integer} limit limit the number of records to retrieve
* @param {Integer} offset offset applied to the records set
* @param {Array<Object>} indexes array of index definitions { index: string, descending: boolean }
* @returns {Array<Object>} returns an array of objects if records found, an empty array otherwise
actions.find = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
try {
const {
} = payload;
const lim = limit || 1000;
const off = offset || 0;
const ind = indexes || [];
if (contract && typeof contract === 'string'
&& table && typeof table === 'string'
&& query && typeof query === 'object'
&& JSON.stringify(query).indexOf('$regex') === -1
&& Array.isArray(ind)
&& (ind.length === 0
|| (ind.length > 0
&& ind.every(el => el.index && typeof el.index === 'string'
&& el.descending !== undefined && typeof el.descending === 'boolean')))
&& Number.isInteger(lim)
&& Number.isInteger(off)
&& lim > 0 && lim <= 1000
&& off >= 0) {
const finalTableName = `${contract}_${table}`;
const tableData = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
if (tableData) {
// if there is an index passed, check if it exists
if (ind.length > 0 && ind.every(el => tableData.binaryIndices[el.index] !== undefined || el.index === '$loki')) {
return tableData.chain()
.compoundsort( => [el.index, el.descending]))
return tableData.chain()
return null;
} catch (error) {
return null;
* retrieve a record from the table of a contract
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {JSON} query query to perform on the table
* @returns {Object} returns a record if it exists, null otherwise
actions.findOne = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
try {
const { contract, table, query } = payload;
if (contract && typeof contract === 'string'
&& table && typeof table === 'string'
&& query && typeof query === 'object'
&& JSON.stringify(query).indexOf('$regex') === -1) {
const finalTableName = `${contract}_${table}`;
const tableData = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
return tableData ? tableData.findOne(query) : null;
return null;
} catch (error) {
return null;
* insert a record in the table of a contract
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {String} record record to save in the table
actions.insert = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { contract, table, record } = payload;
const finalTableName = `${contract}_${table}`;
const contractInDb = actions.findContract({ name: contract });
if (contractInDb && contractInDb.tables[finalTableName] !== undefined) {
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
if (tableInDb) {
const result = tableInDb.insert(record);
updateTableHash(contract, finalTableName, result);
return result;
return null;
* remove a record in the table of a contract
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {String} record record to remove from the table
actions.remove = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { contract, table, record } = payload;
const finalTableName = `${contract}_${table}`;
const contractInDb = actions.findContract({ name: contract });
if (contractInDb && contractInDb.tables[finalTableName] !== undefined) {
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
if (tableInDb) {
updateTableHash(contract, finalTableName, record);
* update a record in the table of a contract
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {String} record record to update in the table
actions.update = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { contract, table, record } = payload;
const finalTableName = `${contract}_${table}`;
const contractInDb = actions.findContract({ name: contract });
if (contractInDb && contractInDb.tables[finalTableName] !== undefined) {
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
if (tableInDb) {
updateTableHash(contract, finalTableName, record);
* get the details of a smart contract table
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {String} record record to update in the table
* @returns {Object} returns the table details if it exists, null otherwise
actions.getTableDetails = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { contract, table } = payload;
const finalTableName = `${contract}_${table}`;
const contractInDb = actions.findContract({ name: contract });
if (contractInDb && contractInDb.tables[finalTableName] !== undefined) {
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
if (tableInDb) {
return { ...tableInDb, data: [] };
return null;
* check if a table exists
* @param {String} contract contract name
* @param {String} table table name
* @returns {Object} returns true if the table exists, false otherwise
actions.tableExists = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { contract, table } = payload;
const finalTableName = `${contract}_${table}`;
const contractInDb = actions.findContract({ name: contract });
if (contractInDb && contractInDb.tables[finalTableName] !== undefined) {
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(finalTableName);
if (tableInDb) {
return true;
return false;
* retrieve records from the table
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {JSON} query query to perform on the table
* @param {Integer} limit limit the number of records to retrieve
* @param {Integer} offset offset applied to the records set
* @param {Array<Object>} indexes array of index definitions { index: string, descending: boolean }
* @returns {Array<Object>} returns an array of objects if records found, an empty array otherwise
actions.dfind = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const {
} = payload;
const lim = limit || 1000;
const off = offset || 0;
const ind = indexes || [];
const tableData = database.getCollection(table);
if (tableData) {
// if there is an index passed, check if it exists
if (ind.length > 0) {
return tableData.chain()
.compoundsort( => [el.index, el.descending]))
return tableData.chain()
return [];
* retrieve a record from the table
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {JSON} query query to perform on the table
* @returns {Object} returns a record if it exists, null otherwise
actions.dfindOne = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { table, query } = payload;
const tableData = database.getCollection(table);
if (tableData) {
return tableData.findOne(query);
return null;
* insert a record
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {String} record record to save in the table
actions.dinsert = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { table, record } = payload;
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(table);
updateTableHash(table.split('_')[0], table.split('_')[1], record);
return tableInDb.insert(record);
* update a record in the table
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {String} record record to update in the table
actions.dupdate = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { table, record } = payload;
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(table);
updateTableHash(table.split('_')[0], table.split('_')[1], record);
* remove a record
* @param {String} table table name
* @param {String} record record to remove from the table
actions.dremove = (payload) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { table, record } = payload;
const tableInDb = database.getCollection(table);
updateTableHash(table.split('_')[0], table.split('_')[1], record);
ipc.onReceiveMessage((message) => {
const {
// from,
} = message;
if (action === 'init') {
init(payload, (res) => {
console.log('successfully initialized'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
ipc.reply(message, res);
} else if (action === 'stop') {
stop((res) => {
console.log('successfully saved'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
ipc.reply(message, res);
generateGenesisBlock(payload, () => {
} else if (action === PLUGIN_ACTIONS.SAVE) { => {
console.log('successfully saved'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
ipc.reply(message, res);
} else if (action && typeof actions[action] === 'function') {
if (!saving) {
const res = actions[action](payload);
// console.log('action', action, 'res', res, 'payload', payload);
ipc.reply(message, res);
} else {
} else {
module.exports.PLUGIN_PATH = PLUGIN_PATH;
module.exports.PLUGIN_NAME = PLUGIN_NAME;