
248 lines
18 KiB

const { getPathObj, getPathNum } = require("./getPathObj");
const { store } = require("./index");
const { chronAssign, penalty, add, nodeUpdate, deletePointer, addCol, addGov } = require('./lil_ops')
function enforce(agent, txid, pointer, block_num) {
console.log('Enforce params:', agent, txid, pointer);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Pop = getPathObj(['escrow', agent, txid]);
Ppointer = getPathObj(['escrow', pointer.id, pointer.acc]);
PtokenSupply = getPathNum(['stats', 'tokenSupply']);
Promise.all([Pop, Ppointer, PtokenSupply])
.then(r => {
var enforced_op = r[0],
point_to_contract = r[1]
console.log('enforce:', { enforced_op }, 'pointer:', { point_to_contract });
if (Object.keys(enforced_op).length) {
let op = txid.split(":")[1],
id = txid.split(":")[0],
ops = [];
getPathObj(['contracts', point_to_contract.for, point_to_contract.contract])
.then(c => {
var i = 0;
for (item in c) {
var lil_ops = [];
let co = c.co;
if (i) {
switch (op) {
case 'denyA':
getPathObj(['escrow', '.' + c.to, `${c.from}/${c.escrow_id}:denyT`])
.then(toOp => {
chronAssign(block_num + 200, { op: 'denyT', agent: c.to, txid: `${c.from}/${c.escrow_id}:denyT`, acc: pointer.acc, id: pointer.id });
penalty(c.agent, c.col)
.then(col => {
c.recovered = col;
lil_ops = [
add('rn', col),
nodeUpdate(c.agent, 'strike', col)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['escrow', c.to, `${c.from}/${c.escrow_id}:denyT`], data: toOp });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', c.agent, `${c.from}/${c.escrow_id}:denyA`] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', '.' + c.to, `${c.from}/${c.escrow_id}:denyT`] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['contracts', pointed_contract.for, pointed_contract.contract], data: c });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.agent} failed to make a timely transaction and has forfieted ${parseFloat(col / 1000).toFixed(3)} DLUX` });
.catch(e => { reject(e); });
ops = [];
.catch(e => { reject(e); });
case 'denyT':
penalty(c.to, c.col)
.then(col => {
const returnable = col + c.recovered;
console.log(returnable, col, c.recovered);
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.to} failed to make a timely transaction and has forfieted ${parseFloat(col / 1000).toFixed(3)} DLUX` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', pointed_contract.for, pointed_contract.contract] }); //some more logic here to clean memory... or check if this was denies for colateral reasons
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', c.to, `${c.from}/${c.escrow_id}:denyT`] });
lil_ops = [
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.to, 'strike', col)
if (col > parseInt(c.col / 4)) {
lil_ops.push(add(c.from, parseInt(c.col / 4)));
lil_ops.push(add('rn', parseInt(col - parseInt(c.col / 4))));
} else if (c.recovered > parseInt(c.col / 4)) {
lil_ops.push(add(c.from, parseInt(c.col / 4)));
lil_ops.push(add('rn', parseInt(col - parseInt(c.col / 4))));
} else if (returnable <= parseInt(c.col / 4)) {
lil_ops.push(add(c.from, returnable));
lil_ops.push(add('rn', parseInt(-c.recovered)));
} else {
lil_ops.push(add(c.from, parseInt(c.col / 4)));
lil_ops.push(add('rn', parseInt(col - c.recovered)));
.catch(e => { reject(e); });
case 'dispute':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.tagent} failed to make a timely transaction and has forfieted collateral` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 4) });
lil_ops = [
addGov(c.agent, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 4) - c.fee),
add(c.agent, parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add('rn', c.fee - parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
addCol(c.agent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.tagent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.tagent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
]; //strike recorded
case 'buyApproveT':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.tagent} failed to make a timely transaction` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 4) });
lil_ops = [
addGov(c.agent, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.agent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.tagent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add(c.agent, parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add('rn', c.fee - parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 4)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.tagent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
case 'buyApproveA':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.agent} failed to make a timely transaction` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 4) });
lil_ops = [
addGov(c.tagent, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.agent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.tagent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add(c.tagent, parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add('rn', c.fee - parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 4)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.agent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
case 'listApproveT':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.tagent} failed to make a timely transaction` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 4) });
lil_ops = [
addGov(c.agent, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 4)),
add(c.agent, parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add('rn', c.fee - parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
addCol(c.agent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.tagent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.tagent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
case 'listApproveA':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.agent} failed to make a timely transaction` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 4) });
lil_ops = [
addGov(c.tagent, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 4)),
add(c.tagent, parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add('rn', c.fee - parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
addCol(c.agent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.tagent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.agent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
case 'release':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.agent} failed to make a timely transaction and has forfieted collateral` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 4) });
lil_ops = [
addGov(c.tagent, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 4)),
add(c.tagent, parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
add('rn', c.fee - parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.agent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
case 'transfer':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.tagent} failed to make a timely transaction and has forfieted collateral` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 2) });
lil_ops = [
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add('rn', parseInt(c.fee / 3)),
addCol(c.tagent, -parseInt(c.escrow)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.tagent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
case 'cancel':
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${block_num}:${txid}`], data: `@${c.tagent} failed to make a timely transaction and has forfieted collateral` });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['escrow', agent, txid] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['chrono', c.expire_path] });
ops.push({ type: 'del', path: ['contracts', co, id] });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['stats', 'tokenSupply'], data: s - parseInt(c.escrow / 4) });
lil_ops = [
addGov(c.agent, parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
add(c.eo, parseInt(c.escrow / 4)),
addCol(c.agent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
addCol(c.tagent, -parseInt(c.escrow / 2)),
deletePointer(pointer.id, pointer.acc),
nodeUpdate(c.tagent, 'strike', parseInt(c.escrow / 4))
console.log(`Unknown Op: ${op}`);
.then(empty => {
store.batch(ops, [resolve, reject]);
.catch(e => { reject(e); });
.catch(e => {
} else {
.catch(e => {
exports.enforce = enforce;
function waitfor(promises_array) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(r => {
for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if (r[i].consensus) {
plasma.consensus = r[1].consensus
.catch(e => { reject(e) })