
1205 lines
57 KiB

const config = require('./../config')
const { store, unshiftOp } = require('./../index')
const { chronAssign, add, hashThis, addMT } = require('./../lil_ops')
const { getPathObj, getPathNum } = require('../getPathObj')
const { postToDiscord } = require('./../discord')
const { Base64, primes, NFT, distro } = require('./../helpers')
json { set, uid}
exports.nft_pfp = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`])
.then(nfts => {
if(nfts[0].s !== undefined) {
let ops = [],
nft = nfts[0]
ops.push({type:'put', path:['pfps', from], data: `${json.set}:${json.uid}`})
let msg = `@${from}| Set ${json.set}:${json.uid} to their pfp`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`@${from} doesn't own NFT: ${json.uid}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
uid: 'aa',
to: 'somebody'
exports.nft_transfer = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]); //to balance promise
Promise.all([fnftp, setp])
.then(nfts => {
console.log(nfts[0].s !== undefined , !nfts[0].l , active)
if(nfts[0].s !== undefined && !nfts[0].l && active && json.to != from) {
let ops = [],
set = nfts[1],
nft = nfts[0]
nft.s = NFT.last(json.block_num, nft.s) //change last modified
set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, json.to, set.u)
ops.push({type:'put', path:['nfts', json.to, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: nft})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
// is there anything in the NFT that needs to be modified? owner, renter,
let msg = `@${from}| Sent ${json.set}:${json.uid} to @${json.to}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`@${from} doesn't own NFT: ${json.nft_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
uid: 'aa',
to: 'somebody',
price: 1000
//build a contract with payment price and expiration
exports.nft_reserve_transfer = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]); //to balance promise
Promise.all([fnftp, setp])
.then(nfts => {
if(nfts[0].s !== undefined && !nfts[0].l && active) {
let ops = [],
nft = nfts[0],
set = nfts[1]
nft.s = NFT.last(json.block_num, nft.s)
set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, 't', set.u)
nft.t = `${from}_${json.to}_${json.price}`
ops.push({type:'put', path:['nfts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: nft})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
// is there anything in the NFT that needs to be modified? owner, renter,
let msg = `@${from}| Reserved NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid} for @${json.to}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`@${json.to} doesn't own NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
uid: 'aa'
//fulfil nft transfer via complete payment
exports.nft_reserve_complete = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]), //to balance promise
balp = getPathNum(['balances', from])
Promise.all([fnftp, setp, balp])
.then(nfts => {
var to, price
try{ to = nfts[0].t.split('_')[1];price = parseInt(nfts[0].t.split('_')[2])} catch (e){console.log(nfts[0])}
if(nfts[0].s !== undefined && to == from && active && nfts[2] >= price) {
let ops = [],
nft = nfts[0],
set = nfts[1]
nft.s = NFT.last(json.block_num, nft.s)
set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, from, set.u)
let promises = distro(from, to, price, set.r, set.a, set.ra, json.set)
delete nft.t
ops.push({type:'put', path:['nfts', from,`${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: nft})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['nfts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
// is there anything in the NFT that needs to be modified? owner, renter,
let msg = `@${from} completed NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid} transfer`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
Promise.all(promises).then(empty => {store.batch(ops, pc) })
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`Can't find NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid} in pending transfers`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
uid: 'AA'
//cancel nft transfer by deleteing the contract and placing the NFT back in
exports.nft_transfer_cancel = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]); //to balance promise
Promise.all([fnftp, setp])
.then(nfts => {
var to, by
if(nfts[0].s && (to == from || by == from) && active) {
let ops = [],
nft = nfts[0],
set = nfts[1]
nft.s = NFT.last(json.block_num, nft.s)
set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, by, set.u)
delete nft.t
ops.push({type:'put', path:['nfts', by,`${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: nft})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['nfts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
// is there anything in the NFT that needs to be modified? owner, renter,
let msg = `@${from} canceled NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid} transfer`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`Can't find NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid} in pending transfers`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
uid: 'AA'
exports.nft_delete = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]); //to balance promise
Promise.all([fnftp, setp])
.then(nfts => {
if(nfts[0].s && !nfts[0].l && active) {
let ops = [],
//nft = nfts[0],
set = nfts[1]
set.u = NFT.delete(json.uid, set.u)
else set.d = 1
add(from, set.b)
ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
// is there anything in the NFT that needs to be modified? owner, renter,
let msg = `@${from} deleted NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid}, recieved ${parseFloat(set.b/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`Can't find NFT: ${json.set}:${json.uid} in pending transfers`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
json:nft_define: {
"type": 1,
"script": "QmPsxgySUZibuojuUWCMQJpT2uZhijY4Cf7tuJKR8gpZqq",
"permlink": "disregardfiat/nft-announcement",
"start": "00",
"end": "==",
"total": 4096,
"royalty": 100,
"handling": "svg",
"max_fee": 10000000,
"bond": 1000, //A burn value that can be preloaded into the contract
"type": 3,
"script": "QmPsxgySUZibuojuUWCMQJpT2uZhijY4Cf7tuJKR8gpZqq",
"permlink": "disregardfiat/nft-announcement",
"weight": 6,
"total": 10,
"outs": [account", "array"],
"handling": "html",
"max_fee": 10000000,
"open_block": 0,
"close_block": 0,
"bond": 1000, //Endowment
"pool": 1000,
exports.nft_define = function(json, from, active, pc) {
if (active && (from == 'disregardfiat' || from == 'hivefolks')){
let statsp = getPathObj(['stats']),
balp = getPathObj(['balances']),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.name])
Promise.all([statsp, balp, setp])
.then(mem => {
switch (json.type){
case 3:
if(Object.keys(mem[2]).length || json.name === 'Qm'){ //set exists?
console.log('set exists')
} else {
byte_count = 39 // average account bytes x2 plus formatting
const name_counter = json.name.split('')
byte_count += name_counter.length
const start_num = Base64.toNumber(json.start)
const end_num = Base64.toNumber(json.end)
var total_num = parseInt(json.total) || (end_num - start_num + 1)
if (json.total && json.total > (end_num - start_num + 1)){total_num = (end_num - start_num + 1)}
const id_counter = json.end.split('')
byte_count += id_counter.length * 2
if(total_num){ //checks for error in set size
const byte_cost = mem[0].nft_byte_cost
var bond = json.bond || 0
if(typeof bond !== 'number') bond = 0
const fee = (byte_cost * byte_count * total_num) + mem[0].nft_fee_1 + (total_num * bond)
if(json.max_fee >= fee && mem[1][from] >= fee){
let set = { //5 plus set name bytes
"a":from, //the account that pays the set fee, --23 bytes
"s":json.script, //build app hash --53bytes
"i":"0", //issued counter for IDs -6bytes
"m":Base64.fromNumber(end_num), //max issue -6-10bytes
"o":Base64.fromNumber(start_num), //start id -10-16bytes
"r":json.royalty || 0,
"t":1, // type
"e":json.handling, //encoding
"p":json.permlink, //link
"b":bond, //burn value
"f":fee - (total_num * bond) //fee
let pairs = json.ra.split(',')
let total = 0,
failed = false
if (json.ra){ //string verification
for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++){
total += parseInt(pairs[i].split('_')[1])
if(!mem[1][pairs[i].split('_')[0]])failed = true
if(!failed && total === 10000){
set.ra = json.ra
} else {
set.build_message = 'invalid RA string'
const ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: mem[1][from] - fee})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.name], data: set})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.name, from], data: total_num})
let msg = `@${from} defined ${json.name} NFT set. ${parseFloat(fee/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN} paid`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `Cost ${parseFloat(fee/1000).toFixed(3)}. Exceeded Max Fee of(${parseFloat(json.max_fee/1000).toFixed(3)})`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
console.log('set size 0')
case 1:
if(Object.keys(mem[2]).length || json.name === 'Qm'){ //set exists?
console.log('set exists')
} else {
byte_count = 39 // average account bytes x2 plus formatting
const name_counter = json.name.split('')
byte_count += name_counter.length
const start_num = Base64.toNumber(json.start)
const end_num = Base64.toNumber(json.end)
var total_num = parseInt(json.total) || (end_num - start_num + 1)
if (json.total && json.total > (end_num - start_num + 1)){total_num = (end_num - start_num + 1)}
const id_counter = json.end.split('')
byte_count += id_counter.length * 2
if(total_num){ //checks for error in set size
const byte_cost = mem[0].nft_byte_cost
var bond = parseInt(json.bond) || 0
if(typeof bond !== 'number') bond = 0
const fee = (byte_cost * byte_count * total_num) + mem[0].nft_fee_1 + (total_num * bond)
if(json.max_fee >= fee && mem[1][from] >= fee){
let set = { //5 plus set name bytes
"a":from, //the account that pays the set fee, --23 bytes
"s":json.script, //build app hash --53bytes
"i":"0", //issued counter for IDs -6bytes
"m":Base64.fromNumber(end_num), //max issue -6-10bytes
"o":Base64.fromNumber(start_num), //start id -10-16bytes
"r":json.royalty || 0,
"t":1, // type
"e":json.handling, //encoding
"p":json.permlink, //link
"b":bond, //burn value
"f":fee - (total_num * bond) //fee
const ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: mem[1][from] - fee})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.name], data: set})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.name, from], data: total_num})
let msg = `@${from} defined ${json.name} NFT set. ${parseFloat(fee/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN} paid`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
console.log({byte_cost, byte_count, total_num, fee})
let msg = `Cost ${parseFloat(fee/1000).toFixed(3)}. Exceeded Max Fee of(${parseFloat(json.max_fee/1000).toFixed(3)})`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
console.log('set size 0')
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
} else {
set: "dlux"
// only useful until first mint
exports.nft_define_delete = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let statsp = getPathObj(['stats']),
balp = getPathNum(['balances', from]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set])
Promise.all([statsp, balp, setp])
.then(mem => {
if (active){
switch (mem[2].t){
case 1:
if(Object.keys(mem[2]).length && mem[2].a == from && mem[2].i === "0"){ //set exists?
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: mem[1] + mem[2].f})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['sets', json.set]})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['rnfts', json.set]})
let msg = `@${from} undefined ${json.set} NFT set. ${parseFloat(mem[2].f/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN} refunded`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
}else {
console.log('set size 0')
} else {
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.nft_mint = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let rnftp = getPathNum(['rnfts', json.set, from])
.then(nfts => {
if(nfts[0] > 0 && active) {
chronAssign(json.block_num + 1, {op:"mint", set:json.set, for: from, txid: json.transaction_id})
let ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, from], data: nfts[0] - 1})
let msg = `@${from} Redeemed a ${json.set} Mint Token`
//if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
uid: 'AA',
price: 1000,
now: 10000, //not implemented
time: 7 //integer days
exports.nft_auction = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]), //zoom in?
ahp = getPathObj(['ah']), //needed?
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]),
divp = getPathObj(['div', json.set])
if(json.set == `Qm`) setp = getPathObj(['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`])
Promise.all([fnftp, ahp, setp])
.then(mem => {
if (mem[0].s && !mem[0].l && active){
var ah = mem[1], nft = mem[0], set = mem[2], div = mem[3]
var p = json.price || 1000,
n = json.now || '',
t = json.time || 7
if(typeof t != "number" || t > 30 || t < 1 )t = 7
if(typeof p != "number" || p < 1)p = 1000
if(typeof n != "number" || n <= p) n = ''
const e = json.block_num + (t * 1200 * 24),
ep = chronAssign(e, {op:"ahe", item:`${json.set}:${json.uid}`, block: e}) //auction house expire vop
ep.then(exp => {
var listing = {
p, //starting price
n, //buy it now price
t, //time in days
e, //expires
i:`${json.set}:${json.uid}`, //can this be a name?
q: exp, //expire path / vop
o: from,
c: 0
if(json.uid.split(':')[0] != 'Qm') set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, 'ah', set.u)//update set
else set.u = 'ah'
var last_modified = nft.s.split(',')[0], ops = [] //last modified is the first item in the string
nft.s.replace(last_modified, Base64.fromNumber(json.block_num)) //update the modified block
listing.nft = nft //place the nft in the listing
ah[`${json.set}:${json.uid}`] = listing //place the listing in the AH
if(div && div.p)ops.push({type:'put', path:['div', json.set, 'm', from], data: 0})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['ah'], data: ah})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
if (json.set == 'Qm') ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`], data: set})
else ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
let msg = `@${from} Listed ${json.set}:${json.uid} for auction`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else if (!active){
let msg = `@${from} tried to auction with out signing ACTIVE`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
uid: 'AA',
bid: 1000
exports.nft_bid = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let balp = getPathNum(['balances', from]),
ahp = getPathObj(['ah', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`])
Promise.all([balp, ahp])
.then(mem => {
if(active && mem[1].e && mem[0] >= json.bid_amount){ //check for item and liquid sufficient for bid
var listing = mem[1],
bal = mem[0]
if (json.bid_amount > listing.b && from != listing.f){
add(listing.f, listing.b) //return the previous high bidders tokens
.then(empty => {
if(from == listing.f)bal = bal + listing.b
listing.f = from
listing.b = json.bid_amount
bal = bal - json.bid_amount
var ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['ah', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: listing})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: bal})
let msg = `@${from} bid ${parseFloat(json.bid_amount/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN} on ${json.set}:${json.uid}'s auction`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} hasn't outbid on ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else if (json.bid_amount >= listing.p){
listing.f = from
listing.b = json.bid_amount
listing.c = 1
bal = bal - json.bid_amount
var ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['ah', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: listing})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: bal})
let msg = `@${from} bid ${parseFloat(json.bid_amount/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN} on ${json.set}:${json.uid}'s auction`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
var ops = []
let msg = `@${from} hasn't outbid on ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from}'s bid on ${json.set}:${json.uid} didn't go well`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.nft_sell = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
ahp = getPathObj(['ls']),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]),
divp = getPathObj(['div', json.set])
if(json.set == `Qm`) setp = getPathObj(['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`])
Promise.all([fnftp, ahp, setp])
.then(mem => {
if (mem[0].s && !mem[0].l && active){
var ls = mem[1], nft = mem[0], set = mem[2], div = mem[3]
var p = json.price || 1000
var listing = {
p, //starting price
o: from
if(json.uid.split(':')[0] != 'Qm') set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, 'ls', set.u)//update set
else set.u = 'ls'
var last_modified = nft.s.split(',')[0], ops = [] //last modified is the first item in the string
nft.s.replace(last_modified, Base64.fromNumber(json.block_num)) //update the modified block
listing.nft = nft //place the nft in the listing
ls[`${json.set}:${json.uid}`] = listing //place the listing in the AH
if(div && div.p)ops.push({type:'put', path:['div', json.set, 'm', from], data: 0})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['ls'], data: ls})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
if (json.set == 'Qm') ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`], data: set})
else ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
let msg = `@${from} Listed ${json.set}:${json.uid} for sale`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else if (!active){
let msg = `@${from} tried to sell with out signing ACTIVE`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.nft_buy = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fbalp = getPathNum(['balances', from]),
lsp = getPathObj(['ls', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]), //needed?
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set])
if(json.set == `Qm`) setp = getPathObj(['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`])
Promise.all([fbalp, lsp, setp])
.then(mem => {
let listing = mem[1]
if(mem[1].p <= mem[0] && active && from != listing.o){
let nft = mem[1].nft, set = mem[2], listing = mem[1]
var last_modified = nft.s.split(',')[0], ops = [] //last modified is the first item in the string
nft.s.replace(last_modified, Base64.fromNumber(json.block_num)) //update the modified block
if(json.uid.split(':')[0] != 'Qm') set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, from, set.u)//update set
else set.u = from
let promises = distro(from, listing.o, listing.p, set.r, set.a, set.ra, json.set)
ops.push({type:'put', path:['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: nft})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['ls', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
if (json.set == 'Qm') ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`], data: set})
else ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
let msg = `@${from} bought ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
Promise.all(promises).then(empty=>{store.batch(ops, pc)})
} else {
let msg = `@${from} can't afford to buy: ${json.set}:${json.uid}, or signed with posting key`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.nft_sell_cancel = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let lsp = getPathObj(['ls', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]), //needed?
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set])
if(json.set == `Qm`) setp = getPathObj(['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`])
Promise.all([lsp, setp])
.then(mem => {
if(active && from == mem[0].o){
let nft = mem[0].nft, set = mem[1], listing = mem[0]
var last_modified = nft.s.split(',')[0], ops = [] //last modified is the first item in the string
nft.s.replace(last_modified, Base64.fromNumber(json.block_num)) //update the modified block
if(json.uid.split(':')[0] != 'Qm') set.u = NFT.move(json.uid, from, set.u)//update set
else set.u = from
ops.push({type:'put', path:['nfts', from, `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: nft})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['ls', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
if (json.set == 'Qm') ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', `Qm${json.uid}`], data: set})
else ops.push({type:'put', path:['sets', json.set], data: set})
let msg = `@${from} canceled sell of ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} can't cancel: ${json.set}:${json.uid} with posting key`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
to: 'somebody'
exports.ft_transfer = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathNum(['rnfts', json.set, from]),
tnftp = getPathNum(['rnfts', json.set, json.to])
Promise.all([fnftp, tnftp])
.then(mem => {
let mts = mem[0]
let qty = parseInt(json.qty) || 1
if (mts >= qty && active){
let ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, json.to], data: mem[1] + qty})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, from], data: mts - qty})
let msg = `@${from} transfered ${qty} ${json.set} mint token to ${json.to}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own ${json.set}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
set: 'dlux',
to: ['somebody','someother']
exports.ft_airdrop = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let promises = [getPathNum(['rnfts', json.set, from])]
var toArray = [...new Set(json.to)]
for (var i = 0; i < toArray.length; i++){
promises.push(getPathNum(['rnfts', json.set, toArray[i]]))
.then(mem => {
let mts = mem[0]
if (mts >= toArray.length && active){
let ops = []
let string = ``
for (var i = 1; i <= toArray.length; i++){
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, toArray[i-1]], data: mem[i] + 1})
string += `@${toArray[i-1]}, `
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, from], data: mts - toArray.length})
let msg = `@${from} transfered ${toArray.length} ${json.set} mint tokens to ${string}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own ${json.set}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
json = {
set: 'dlux',
period: 28800 //time in blocks (3 seconds) => 28800 is 24 hours
exports.nft_div = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let promises = [getPathObj(['sets', json.set]), getPathObj(['div', json.set])]
.then(mem => {
let set = mem[0], div = mem[1]
if (set.a >= from && active && !div.p && json.period > 28800 && json.period < 864001){
let ops = []
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['div', json.set], data: {p:json.period,s:json.set} });
let msg = `@${from} established a dividend for ${json.set}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own ${json.set}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
json = {
set: 'dlux',
distro: 'account_5000,d_5000' // splits current royalties 50% to account and 50% to dividends distrobution
exports.nft_add_roy = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let promises = [getPathObj(['sets', json.set]),getPathObj(['balances'])]
.then(mem => {
let set = mem[0], bals = mem[1], failed = true, d
if (json.distro){ //string verification
let pairs = json.distro.split(','),
total = 0
failed = false
for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++){
total += parseInt(pairs[i].split('_')[1])
if(!bals[pairs[i].split('_')[0]] && pairs[i].split('_')[0] != 'd'){
failed = true
console.log(pairs[i], bals[pairs[i].split('_')[0]] , pairs[i].split('_')[0] != 'd')
if(!failed && total === 10000){
d = json.distro
if (((set.a == from && !set.ra) || set.ra.indexOf(`${from}_` >= 0)) && active && !failed) {
let ops = [],
amount = 0, running = 0
if (set.ra){
let rs = set.ra.split(',')
for (let i = 0; i < rs.length; i++){
if (rs[i].split('_')[0] == from){
amount = parseInt(rs[i].split('_')[1])
running = amount
let newd = d.split(',')
for (let i = 0; i < newd.length; i++){
ry = parseInt(newd[i].split('_')[1])
rz = (amount/10000 * ry)
if(i == newd.length - 1)rz = running
d.replace(`${newd[i].split('_')[0]}_${newd[i].split('_')[1]}`, `${newd[i].split('_')[0]}_${rz}`)
running -= rz
newd = d.split(',')
newra = set.ra.split(',')
for (let i = 0; i < newd.length - 1; i++){
if(newd[i].split('_')[0] == newd[i+1].split('_')[0]){
newd[i+1] = `${newd[i].split('_')[0]}_${parseInt(newd[i+1].split('_')[1]) + parseInt(newd[i].split('_')[1])}`
newd.splice(i, 1)
d = newd.join(',')
} else {
set.ra = d
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['sets', json.set, 'ra'], data: set.ra });
let msg = `@${from} changed their royalties for ${json.set}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own ${json.set} royalties`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.ft_escrow = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let rnftp = getPathNum(['rnfts', json.set, from])
.then(mem => {
var rnft = mem[0], uid = hashThis(`${from}:${json.set}:${json.block_num}`)
if(rnft && active) {
let ops = [],
listing = {
i: `${json.set}:${uid}`,
t: `${from}_${json.to}_${json.price}`
ops.push({type:'put', path:['fts', 't', `${json.set}:${uid}`], data: listing})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, from], data: rnft - 1})
let msg = `@${from}| Reserved Mint Token: ${json.set}:${uid} for @${json.to}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`@${json.to} doesn't own a ${json.set} Mint Token`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.ft_escrow_complete = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['fts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]), //to balance promise
balp = getPathNum(['balances', from])
Promise.all([fnftp, setp, balp])
.then(nfts => {
var to, price
try{ to = nfts[0].t.split('_')[1];price = parseInt(nfts[0].t.split('_')[2])} catch (e){console.log(nfts[0])}
if(nfts[0].t !== undefined && to == from && active && nfts[2] >= price) {
let ops = [],
nft = nfts[0],
set = nfts[1]
let promises = distro(from, to, price, set.r, set.a, set.ra, json.set)
addMT(['rnfts', json.set, from],1)
ops.push({type:'del', path:['fts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
// is there anything in the NFT that needs to be modified? owner, renter,
let msg = `@${from} completed ${json.set} mint token transfer`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
Promise.all(promises).then(empty=>{store.batch(ops, pc)})
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`Can't find Mint Token: ${json.set}:${json.uid} in pending transfers`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
json = {
uid //contract id
exports.ft_escrow_cancel = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['fts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]),
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set]); //to balance promise
Promise.all([fnftp, setp])
.then(nfts => {
var to, by
if((to == from || by == from) && active) {
let ops = []
addMT(['rnfts', json.set, by], 1)
ops.push({type:'del', path:['fts', 't', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
// is there anything in the NFT that needs to be modified? owner, renter,
let msg = `@${from} canceled mint token transfer`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
if (config.hookurl) postToDiscord(`Can't find Mint Token: ${json.set}:${json.uid} in pending transfers`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.ft_sell = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathObj(['rnfts', json.set, from]),
ltp = getPathObj(['lt'])
Promise.all([fnftp, ltp])
.then(mem => {
if (mem[0] && active){
var ls = mem[1], nft = mem[0], hash = hashThis(`${from}:${json.set}:${json.block_num}`)
var p = json.price || 1000
var listing = {
p, //starting price
o: from
ls[`${json.set}:${hash}`] = listing //place the listing in the AH
var ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['lt'], data: ls})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, from], data: nft - 1})
let msg = `@${from} Listed ${json.set} mint token for sale`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else if (!active){
let msg = `@${from} tried to sell with out signing ACTIVE`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own a ${json.set} mint token`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
json = {
hive:1000, //1.000 Hive || hbd: 1000 // 1.000 HBD
quantity: 4096, //4096 NFTs
set: 'dlux', //set tokens to sell
distro: 'account1_5000,acc2_5000' //must add to 10000
exports.fts_sell_h = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathNum(['rnfts', json.set, from]),
ltp = getPathObj(['lth']),
Pbal = getPathObj(['balances']),
h = parseInt(json.hive) || 0,
b = parseInt(json.hbd) || 0,
q = parseInt(json.quantity),
e= json.enforce || false
d = `${from}_10000`,
failed = false
Promise.all([fnftp, ltp, Pbal])
.then(mem => {
if (mem[0] >= q && active){
var ls = mem[1],
nft = mem[0],
bals = mem[2]
if (json.distro){ //string verification
let pairs = json.distro.split(','),
total = 0
for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++){
total += parseInt(pairs[i].split('_')[1])
if(!bals[pairs[i].split('_')[0]])failed = true
if(!failed && total === 10000){
d = json.distro
if(h)b=0 //refund fountian prevent
var hash = hashThis(`${from}:${json.set}:${json.block_num}`),
listing = {
d,//distro string,
o: from,//seller
i:`${json.set}:${hash}`,//item for canceling
e //enforce
ls[`${json.set}:${hash}`] = listing //place the listing in the AH
var ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['lth'], data: ls})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, from], data: nft - q})
let msg = `@${from} Listed ${json.set} mint tokens for hive/hbd sale`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else if (!active){
let msg = `@${from} tried to sell with out signing ACTIVE`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own enough ${json.set} mint tokens`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
uid, //contract name
exports.fts_sell_hcancel = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let lsp = getPathObj(['lth', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`])
.then(mem => {
if(active && from == mem[0].o){
let ops = []
addMT(['rnfts', json.set, from], mem[0].q)
ops.push({type:'del', path:['lth', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
let msg = `@${from} canceled sell of ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} can't cancel: ${json.set}:${json.uid} with posting key`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.ft_buy = function(json, from, active, pc) {
console.log('ft_buy', {json})
let fbalp = getPathNum(['balances', from]),
lsp = getPathObj(['lt', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]), //needed?
setp = getPathObj(['sets', json.set])
Promise.all([fbalp, lsp, setp])
.then(mem => {
var price = 'high',
listing = mem[1]
try {price = mem[1].p}catch(e){}
if(price <= mem[0] && active && mem[1].o != from){
let set = mem[2],
promises = distro(from, listing.o, price, set.r, set.a, set.ra, json.set)
let ops = []
addMT(['rnfts', json.set, from], 1)
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: newBal})
ops.push({type:'del', path:['lt', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
let msg = `@${from} bought ${json.set}:${json.uid} mint token`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
Promise.all(promises).then(empty => {store.batch(ops, pc)})
} else {
let msg = `@${from} can't afford to buy: ${json.set}:${json.uid}, or signed with posting key`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.ft_sell_cancel = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let lsp = getPathObj(['lt', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`])
.then(mem => {
if(active && from == mem[0].o){
let ops = []
addMT(['rnfts', json.set, from], 1)
ops.push({type:'del', path:['lt', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`]})
let msg = `@${from} canceled sell of ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} can't cancel: ${json.set}:${json.uid} with posting key`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.ft_auction = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let fnftp = getPathNum(['rnfts', `${json.set}`, from]), //zoom in?
ahp = getPathObj(['am'])
Promise.all([fnftp, ahp])
.then(mem => {
if (mem[0] && active){
var ah = mem[1], nft = mem[0], hash = hashThis(`${from}:${json.set}:${json.block_num}`)
var p = json.price || 1000,
n = json.now || '',
t = json.time || 7
if(typeof t != "number" || t > 30 || t < 1 )t = 7
if(typeof p != "number" || p < 1)p = 1000
if(typeof n != "number" || n <= p) n = ''
const e = json.block_num + (t * 1200 * 24),
ep = chronAssign(e, {op:"ame", item:`${json.set}:${hash}`, block: e}) //auction house expire vop
ep.then(exp => {
var listing = {
p, //starting price
n, //buy it now price
t, //time in days
e, //expires
i:`${json.set}:${hash}`, //can this be a name?
q: exp, //expire path / vop
o: from,
c: 0
ops = []
ah[`${json.set}:${hash}`] = listing //place the listing in the AH
ops.push({type:'put', path:['am'], data: ah})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['rnfts', json.set, from], data: nft -1})
let msg = `@${from} Listed a ${json.set} mint token for auction`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else if (!active){
let msg = `@${from} tried to auction with out signing ACTIVE`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} doesn't own a ${json.set} mint token`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });
exports.ft_bid = function(json, from, active, pc) {
let balp = getPathNum(['balances', from]),
ahp = getPathObj(['am', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`])
Promise.all([balp, ahp])
.then(mem => {
if(active && mem[1].e && mem[0] >= json.bid_amount){ //check for item and liquid sufficient for bid
var listing = mem[1],
bal = mem[0]
if (json.bid_amount > listing.b && listing.f != from){
add(listing.f, listing.b) //return the previous high bidders tokens
.then(empty => {
if(from == listing.f)bal = bal + listing.b
listing.f = from
listing.b = json.bid_amount
bal = bal - json.bid_amount
var ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['am', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: listing})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: bal})
let msg = `@${from} bid ${parseFloat(json.bid_amount/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN} on ${json.set}:${json.uid}'s mint token auction`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from} hasn't outbid on ${json.set}:${json.uid}`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
} else {
listing.f = from
listing.b = json.bid_amount
listing.c = 1
bal = bal - json.bid_amount
var ops = []
ops.push({type:'put', path:['am', `${json.set}:${json.uid}`], data: listing})
ops.push({type:'put', path:['balances', from], data: bal})
let msg = `@${from} bid ${parseFloat(json.bid_amount/1000).toFixed(3)} ${config.TOKEN} on ${json.set}:${json.uid}'s mint token auction`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: msg });
store.batch(ops, pc)
} else {
let msg = `@${from}'s bid on ${json.set}:${json.uid} didn't go well`
if (config.hookurl || config.status) postToDiscord(msg, `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`)
.catch(e => { console.log(e); });