
173 lines
7.1 KiB

const config = require('./../config')
const { store } = require("./../index");
const { getPathObj, getPathNum, deleteObjs } = require('./../getPathObj')
const { updatePostVotes } = require('./../edb');
exports.vote = (json, pc) => {
if (json.voter == config.leader) {
['escrow', config.leader, `vote:${json.author}/${json.permlink}`]
.then(empty => pc[0](pc[2]))
.catch(e => console.log(e))
} else {
getPathObj(['posts', `${json.author}/${json.permlink}`]).then(p => {
if (Object.keys(p).length) {
const oldVotes = p.votes || {}
p.votes = oldVotes
var PvotePow = getPathObj(['up', json.voter]),
PdVotePow = getPathObj(['down', json.voter]),
PPow = getPathNum(['pow', json.voter]),
PGrant = getPathNum(['granted', json.voter, 't'])
Promise.all([PvotePow, PdVotePow, PPow, PGrant]).then(function(v) {
var up = v[0],
down = v[1],
pow = v[2] + v[3],
ops = [],
if (!pow) {
} else {
if (!Object.keys(up).length) {
up = {
max: pow * 50,
last: 0,
power: pow * 50
down = {
max: pow * 50,
last: 0,
power: pow * 50
} else {
up.max = pow * 50
down.max = pow * 50
if (json.weight >= 0) {
weights = upPowerMagic(up, json)
} else {
weights = downPowerMagic(up, down, json)
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['down', json.voter], data: weights.down })
p.votes[json.voter] = {
b: json.block_num,
v: weights.vote
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['up', json.voter], data: weights.up })
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['posts', `${json.author}/${json.permlink}`], data: p })
store.batch(ops, pc)
.catch(e => pc[0](pc[2]))
} else {
exports.vote_content = (json, from, active, pc) => {
var powPromise = getPathNum(['pow', from]),
postPromise = getPathObj(['posts', `${json.author}/${json.permlink}`]),
rollingPromise = getPathNum(['rolling', from]),
nftPromise = getPathNum(['pow', 'n', from]); //an approach to token delegation by wrapping power in nft contracts - untested
Promise.all([powPromise, postPromise, rollingPromise, nftPromise])
.then(function(v) {
var pow = v[0],
post = v[1],
rolling = v[2],
nft = v[3],
ops = [];
if (pow >= 1) {
if (Object.keys(post).length) {
if (!post.voters) { post.voters = {}; }
if (!rolling) {
rolling = parseInt((nft + pow) * 10);
const w = json.weight > 0 && json.weight < 10001 ? parseInt(json.weight * rolling / 100000) : parseInt(rolling / 10);
post.totalWeight += parseInt(json.weight * rolling / 100000);
post.voters[from] = {
block: json.block_num,
weight: w
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['posts', `${json.author}/${json.permlink}`], data: post });
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: `@${from}| voted for @${json.author}/${json.permlink}` });
rolling -= w;
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['rolling', from], data: rolling });
} else {
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: `@${from}| tried to vote for an unknown post` });
} else {
ops.push({ type: 'put', path: ['feed', `${json.block_num}:${json.transaction_id}`], data: `@${from}| doesn't have the ${config.TOKEN} POWER to vote` });
store.batch(ops, pc);
.catch(function(e) {
function upPowerMagic(up, json) {
const healTime = json.block_num - up.last //144000 blocks in 5 days
const heal = parseInt(up.max * healTime / 144000)
var newPower = up.power + heal
if (newPower > up.max) {
newPower = up.max
var vote = parseInt(newPower * json.weight / 500000) //50 from max AND 10000 from full weight
newPower -= vote
const newUp = {
max: up.max,
last: json.block_num,
power: newPower
return { up: newUp, vote: vote }
function downPowerMagic(up, down, json) {
const downHealTime = json.block_num - down.last //144000 blocks in 5 days
const downHeal = parseInt(down.max * downHealTime / 144000)
var newDownPower = down.power + downHeal
if (newDownPower > down.max) {
newDownPower = down.max
const healTime = json.block_num - up.last //144000 blocks in 5 days
const heal = parseInt(up.max * healTime / 144000)
var newPower = up.power + heal
if (newPower > up.max) {
newPower = up.max
var bigSpender = false
var vote
var downvote = parseInt(newDownPower * json.weight / 500000) //5 from max AND 10000 from full weight
newDownPower -= downvote
if (newDownPower < down.max * 0.9) { //further down power vote effect up and down power meters
bigSpender = true
if (bigSpender) {
vote = parseInt(newPower * json.weight / 500000) //50 from max AND 10000 from full weight
if (vote > downVote) {
newPower -= vote
newDownPower -= vote
} else {
newPower -= downVote
newDownPower -= downVote
const newUp = {
max: up.max,
last: json.block_num,
power: newPower
const newDown = {
max: down.max,
last: json.block_num,
power: newDownPower
return { up: newUp, down: newDown, vote: downvote }